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Admissions, Eligibility, New Students

HSES Fall 2022 Curriculum Night

HSES New Student & Families Orientation Fall 2022

What is Summer Bridge? When is it?

HSES Summer Bridge is for new students only and is program to build community and get to know our school on a more in-depth level. Dates are posted on the homepage.

What happens if I miss orientation and/or Summer Bridge?

The presentation from orientation will be posted on the website afterwards. We will catch you up once school starts in the fall on everything else.


Language Class Preference:  Language preferences are due in Summer.

What happens if I didn’t get to fill it out?

There are multiple factors that go into language courses including period placement, teacher power, and the other courses you need. You will be placed into Spanish, French, or Mandarin based on these factors. In September, you can request a course change through the guidance department. Not all course changes will be able to be honored. You will have the option of switching your language sophomore year, if there is space available.


If I filled out the language preference form, will I be guaranteed that language?

We cannot guarantee that you will be placed into your first choice. There are multiple factors that go into language courses including period placement, teacher power, and the other courses you need. You will have the option of switching your language sophomore year, if there is space available.

DOE Email Account and Communication


How can I access my email account?

Go to this portal: It provides access to educational platforms, student report cards, GSuite, Zoom, and much more.


Miscellaneous Questions

When will I receive my program?

Students will receive their program on the first day of school.


How can I get my student ID?

ID pictures will be taken at orientation and in the first week of school. You will receive your ID in the first few weeks of school.

I am not a student at HSES yet. I am on the waitlist. How do I get accepted?

The DOE has a very clear process regarding the waitlist. When spots open up, we can accept students off the waitlist. We can only accept in the order that students are placed on the list. For example, if you are 35 on the waitlist, we will have to accept the 34 students in front of you before we can make an offer.


I got accepted into the Honors program. What does that mean?

Congratulations! The Honors sequence accelerates students' required courses, so that they can take more advanced/college courses in their junior and senior year.

In 9th grade, you will be placed into Honors English and Honors Global. In Math and Science we follow a very specific course sequence. You will be placed on an accelerated track in STEM, if you have specific courses and regents scores from middle school.


Who can I contact if I have more questions?

Please contact AP Shayuan Sealey

HSES Virtual School Tour



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